Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Year Older

Where did that year just go? I was in Hawai'i this time last year.

When I turned 25, I felt like "What am I doing with my life?" and "Is this all I have to show for all this time?".

Tomorrow means another year has passed, and I feel somehow calmer and at peace with where I am. I know my current job is the same for me as it is for most others there: a stepping stone on the walkway to finding what I was ultimately meant to do. I also know that try as I might, I can't force Matt's injury to magically get better. It has been nice to find things we can enjoy in the evenings and the Drive-In was great for summer date nights.

Then there were all the hurdles last year brought: my dad's mom passed away, Rocky got diagnosed with hip dysplasia, Widget had a urinary blockage, Matt received the final "there's nothing more I can do for you.." from his current specialist.

But all that seems less painful in comparison to all the good things that happened: moving to a nicer, newer apartment, Widget becoming a part of our family, Matt rediscovering his passion for playing his guitars and getting a sound board so he can finally record his music, and me rediscovering my lifelong passion for cooking.

Matt works tirelessly every year to find something I'll appreciate for my birthday. Every year, I try to dissuade him, and every year, he tells me it's not up to me. I've never been disappointed, and each year has a new and different sentimental value to me. This year came with a surprising combination of things. First was a nod to the past (his and mine together). On my 22nd birthday (the first year we were together) Matt took me to Guitar Center and helped me pick out an acoustic guitar. We found me a simple Ovation Electric Acoustic so I could hear it when I was playing it unplugged but also had the option to practice with the amplifier. I love the guitar, but had fallen out of practice in the last year and a half. Matt has been great about re-starting our weekly lessons and harassing me until I practice like I'm supposed to. Anyway, this year he bought me a Stratocaster guitar kit. The box comes with a pre-cut neck and body and all the necessary electrical equipment. I now have a project to keep me occupied on my birthday and a reminder of my past.

On the other end of the spectrum, Matt also set aside some money and asked me to find some cooking classes at a local school. He knows that I've always loved to cook and keeps telling me that I should explore that passion more. I decided to take two classes, one on chocolate truffles that's just a one time thing, and a separate set of 8 classes on "home cooking essentials" at a local technical college who offers programs in culinary arts. I'm excited to have something (besides work) that I can look forward to making a part of my schedule each week. And who knows, it might really be something worth trying for a career in.

I love the idea of past a future coming together like that. :)

Here's to another year of trials, tribulations, laughter, love, and hope.

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