Sunday, November 29, 2009

Song of the Day

Hey world
what you say?
Should i stick around for another day or two?
Don't give up on me,
I won't give up on you...
Just believe in me,
Like i believe in you...

~"Hey World" - Michael Franti ~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Looking Back

I was just looking back at my post about remaining positive and my goals for the next few months. Guess what? One of them was "take a cooking class".


I'm so happy that I accomplished something on my list. Moreso than that, it reminded me what a wide world of culinary arts there is to discover. Go me :)

Buddha Leant Me His Hand

I was wandering around Central Market (because that never happens on a rainy Sunday..) when I decided to stock up on some produce. I was immediately drawn to the strangest looking fruit I'd ever seen in the citrus section..

Apparently, this little guy is a Buddha's Hand (which made me want to buy it even more). I winced when I saw it cost me $3.60 for the smallest one I could find, but it was worth investigating. A little bit of research revealed that it is technically a "finger citron". It's primary use is to be candied for pastries and candies. I was like "No wonder this made it into my shopping cart!".

So, in addition to all the tasty treats I'm planning for Matt's birthday tomorrow, candied buddha's hand just made it onto the list. Haha!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I Heart Chocolate!

Truffle Trial #1 after my class last week was a complete (albeit messy) success!

The tempered chocolate mess after filling the molds

Top part of the truffle poured into the mold and dried

I missed taking a picture after piping the whipped coffee truffle centers into the mold and capping them with some more tempered chocolate, but here is the finished product


The Best Things in Life...Aren't Things..

Work has been very stressful the last few weeks, as a doctor recently left the practice and we as management staff have to cut hours to prevent having to lay people off. That being said, Matt has worked diligently during the times when I'm not at work to make me feel extra special. All the work we've been putting into our guitar kits (today I'll hopefully get my last coat of paint on and several layers of clear lacquer) and finding some cooking classes to encourage my epicurious side. I was really bummed that my 8 week course was canceled, but I did make it to the truffle class. Matt asked me all about it when I got home that evening and listened intently. We spent the next two nights enjoying all the delectable creations as I discussed the various techniques we had used.

When I tripped over the chair in the living room, Matt was the first to suggest I keep a close eye on my foot in case I really hurt myself. When my little toe swelled up like a grape and turned purple, he demanded I go to the doctor. Good thing, since I had broken it and would still be slowing the healing process walking all over it and wearing tight-fitting shoes. He has since followed me around, reminding me to stay off the foot as much as possible and wear my silly shoe to keep my toe well-supported.

My time, however, was Saturday night. Matt and I were watching Food Network and discussing our day. We got on the topic of our trip to Hotel Monaco a few years ago as a Christmas present to one another. That lead us into a discussion that spanned numberless wonderful memories we've collected together over the last 4 years. Our first drink together at Canyons, our first date at Baccus (which has since closed), and our dreams for the future. After all the "things" have broken or been given away, the only thing left is what matters most, a big mental book of happy memories. :)

Retail Me Not