Sunday, November 15, 2009

Buddha Leant Me His Hand

I was wandering around Central Market (because that never happens on a rainy Sunday..) when I decided to stock up on some produce. I was immediately drawn to the strangest looking fruit I'd ever seen in the citrus section..

Apparently, this little guy is a Buddha's Hand (which made me want to buy it even more). I winced when I saw it cost me $3.60 for the smallest one I could find, but it was worth investigating. A little bit of research revealed that it is technically a "finger citron". It's primary use is to be candied for pastries and candies. I was like "No wonder this made it into my shopping cart!".

So, in addition to all the tasty treats I'm planning for Matt's birthday tomorrow, candied buddha's hand just made it onto the list. Haha!


Retail Me Not